Match The Colour is a GUI Desktop Game made in early 2024. The game consists of three sliders which control the Red, Blue and Green colours of the players screen (Left Screen). The goal is for the player, using the three given sliders, to get as close as possible to the automatically-generated colour (Right Screen). The player has only 5 ATTEMPTS to do so!
There is a section under the Attempt count, that shows, by percentage, how far the player is from getting the correct colour code. This section will ONLY be updated everytime the player gets closer to the correct colour. This means that if the next attempt is worse, it won't change. REMEMBER: The less the percentage, the better.
The "Best-Score" section changed from 48% to 34% since the player got closer to the colour on the right.
When the player's distance from the colour gets below 10%, the round ends and the player wins!
But... if they player fails to get below 10% in under 5 tries, the game is lost.
The player can play again by clicking on the "generate" button on the top-left of the screen.
You can get Match The Colour by clicking